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Command List

Robostopia™ has two parts. Private Signal Channel and our Telegram Bot called Robostopia™ Assistant @RobostopiaBot

Sending command is very easy with Telegram interface. You can check below video to see how can send commands.

You can send following commands:

  • /mute : Enable/Disable Robostopia™ Assistant Profit notifications.
  • /status : It brings latest updates about your Profit/Loss Report and Completed Orders.
  • /open : It shows your open orders. Usage: /open or /open BTG
  • /loss : It brings your LOSS report.
  • /balances : It brings your all balances on Exchange.
  • /buy : You can place BUY order (/buy NXT amount or all or all/4 or %25). Optionally you can set BUY PRICE as SATOSHI (/buy NXT amount SATOSHI) If you set SATOSHI, Auto Renew Order (ARO) feature will be disabled for this transaction.
  • /buy_TSL : You can place BUY order with Trailing Stop-Loss (/buy NXT amount or all or all/4 or %25). Optionally you can set BUY PRICE as SATOSHI (/buy NXT amount SATOSHI) If you set SATOSHI, Auto Renew Order (ARO) feature will be disabled for this transaction.
  • /sell : You can place SELL order (/sell NXT amount or all). Optionally you can set SELL PRICE as SATOSHI (/sell NXT amount SATOSHI or /sell NXT all SATOSHI) If you set SATOSHI, Auto Renew Order (ARO) feature will be disabled for this transaction.
  • /set : User defined settings (Minimum Profit, Trailing Stop-Loss Margin, Auto-Renew Order, Auto-Trade)
  • /cancel : Cancels all open orders (/cancel NXT)
  • /tether : It brings latest TETHER report.
  • /top5 : It sends you Cryptocurrrency Market Report (TOP5 coins market info)
  • /ref : It tells your affiliate link (If you are Sales Partner) 
  • /partner : It brings your all referrals (If you are Sales Partner)
  • /help : Command List

You can also send any coin tickers like btc or eth ot ltc. Bot will tell you latest price of the coin.