If you have certain amount of twitter followers you can get special discounts for Robostopia™:
- If you have 1000-2500 twitter followers: You will get %5 Discount for all plans.
- If you have 2501-5000 twitter followers: You will get %10 Discount for all plans.
- If you have 5001+ twitter followers: You will get %15 Discount for all plans.
- After you join our Discount Program, you have to Retweet our commercial tweets on @Robostopia in every two days.
- 1.5 days later from your last RT, you will get reminder about RT.
- 2 days later from your last RT, your Robostopia™ account will be deactivated. You should contact us to reactivate.
- If you lost your followers, you can continue to use BotBittrex until your membership expire.
This program only valid for Twitter not for Telegram groups.